Wednesday 27 February 2013

hodie non cras

“hodie non cros”….”Today Not Tommorrow”  This is the regimental motto of the First Hussars, a regiment that my father served with during Word Ward II.   They were and are a motorized regiment.  During the time of my father’s service, they used Sherman tanks and today Armored Mercedes G500 and a whole host of other light and medium duty armor.   I was not aware that this motto even existed until after my father passed away and I became interested in his service during the war.   
This motto was adopted by the First Hussars because all through their regimental existence; whether first on horseback or whatever type of motorized vehicle they used…they needed to perform daily upkeep to be ready for battle.   This motto was a constant reminder that to be victorious battle took a commitment to preparedness today to be victorious tomorrow.